Our team
Mr Jon Conroy
BSc, MB, ChB, FRCS, FRCS(Tr&Orth), MSc, GMC number: 4179926, Practicing since: 1995
Mr Conroy has worked as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon since 2006, specialising in hip and knee surgery with an interest in complex or revision joint surgery. He carries out around 350 hip and knee revision and replacements each year, heading one of the largest UK practices in sports hip injuries. Completing an MSc in Mechanical Engineering with distinction he continues his academic interest in technology through the design of future hip and knee replacements.
Jon is known for his interest in sports-related hip injuries and non-arthritic hip/groin pain in the young patient. In establishing a Yorkshire regional referral practise in Hip Arthroscopy (key hole surgery of the hip) over a decade ago he now has one of the largest Hip Arthroscopy practises in the UK. He provides leading treatments including stem cell therapy and lectures internationally on hip related conditions.